Emmaville Primary School

Africa Year 4

Welcome to the Africa Year 4 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 21st July
School's out for summer!
Well done on a fabulous year everyone :) You have worked hard and had a lot of fun with it.  Enjoy your photos from our trip :)
Happy Holidays! Love Miss Lamb :) 
Friday 7th July
We have had SUCH a fun filled week!
The children have been incredible in all the activities from the Girls Football competition on Monday, Sports Day on Tuesday and our Vindolanda trip on Thursday. 
What a credit you all are to our school. It has been lovely seeing you enjoy such a broad range of activities and to share in your excitement with you.
We look forward to sharing the rest of the photos very soon!
Happy Weekend!

Friday 30th June

I have been blown away by the children's artwork this week. It has been a pleasure to share a passion of mine with them and see them so enthused.

The thought that has gone into composition, framing and meaning behind the images along with the discussions we have had have been brilliant - it is exciting how many photography enthusiasts we have! The pictures speak for themselves.

Well done everyone, I am looking forward to working on them with you! 


Happy Weekend!

Friday 23rd June

During our computing lesson this week the children wowed me with their coding knowledge. We then put our skills to the test using a different type of scratch program where we focused our work around creating tile stamps in multiples.

We began using multiples of 4 and then the children developed their working to include different backgrounds, tile styles and different multiples as well.

They worked brilliantly in their teams and really enjoyed sharing and explaining the work they had been doing. Well done everyone!

I hope you are as impressed as I was with their efforts!


Happy Weekend!

Friday 16th June
We have had a very successful week this week. The children have worked their socks off in the run up to their times tables checks and it's been lovely to see them so confident and able! 
Well done everyone - they certainly deserved their treat this afternoon :)
Happy Weekend!

Friday 9th June

The children have been brilliant this week particularly with their athletics work and their reading.

We had an excellent PE lesson today where we focused on our Athletics and particularly Relay skills. The children all listened so well and all ran really smooth races, Mrs Berry and I were very impressed.

The children have done some excellent work during our Guided Reading and Accelerated Reader sessions. The children are enjoying the competition that comes with AR and I am so proud to say that we have several children getting nearer to the 100 points mark while 3 of our class have already got over 100 points, one has exceeded 200 points and another is exceeding 300!

Well done everyone!

Have a great weekend!

Friday 12th May


This week we started our science experiment into tooth decay. The children discussed why scientists asked questions and the types of enquiries they have undertaken and have recognised that they are all inquisitive and have also carried out lots of enquiries, experiments and investigations sometimes without even realising it.


They then worked brilliantly in groups to decide which type of enquiry they wanted to undertake to enable them to develop their understanding of tooth decay. Two groups decided to carry out a fair test, one group chose a comparative investigation and the last group chose a practical enquiry. They then worked together to carefully set up their investigation and have made observational notes each day since. Next week we will be analysing our results and hopefully getting the smell of vinegar out of the classroom!


Happy weekend!


Friday 5th May

We have had a jammed packed week this week.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we completed some wonderful descriptive stories and then on Thursday we had an amazing Enterprise Day where we focused on Urban life and how to be a City Planner. During the afternoon, the children created a business idea for something we could sell at a school fair to raise money for charity. They presented their ideas beautifully using some fantastic Oracy skills.

Today we have had the loveliest Coronation Celebrations! The children have created some amazing sketches of King Charles III and have designed some brilliant Coronation flags.

We hope you enjoy our photos of the day.

Have a lovely long Coronation Weekend – see you Tuesday!

Friday 28th April
This week in Africa we have been focusing on up-levelling our writing. Taking inspiration from pictures, the children create word banks and then developed sentences using adjectives, fronted adverbials and subordinating clauses.
Here are four examples from the class...


The house stood in the woods.

The ancient, gloomy house stood in the gnarly, overgrown woods.

Eerily, ancient, gloomy house stood in the gnarly, overgrown woods.

Eerily, ancient, gloomy house stood in the gnarly, overgrown woods while the moon shimmered overhead.



The house stood in the woods.

The old, sketchy looking house stood in the dark, gloomy woods.

Precariously, the old, sketchy looking house stood in the dark, gloomy woods.

Precariously, the old, sketchy looking house stood in the dark, gloomy woods while the finger like branches reached out towards it in the wind.



The house stood in the woods.

The gloomy, haunted house stood in the dark, misty woods.

Lonely, the gloomy, haunted house stood in the dark, misty woods.

Lonely, the gloomy, haunted house had stood in the dark, misty woods since 1989



The house stood in the woods.

The creepy, run-down house stood in the twisted, misty woods.

Creakily, the creepy, run-down house stood in the twisted, misty woods.

Creakily, the creepy, run-down house stood in the twisted, misty woods until it vanished into thin air.


Have a lovely long weekend everyone :)

Friday 21st April.

Well done on a great first week back everyone! It’s been lovely to see you all back with smiling faces after the holiday.

We have had a great week this week making excellent progress with our fraction work as well as starting our descriptive writing unit in English.

A particular area of work I would like to celebrate is our DT sewing work. The children had to work hard to be able to thread the needle let alone start the sewing project, however, with some great growth mindset we got over that first hurdle and have learnt two new stitches, running stitch and cross stitch. We are looking forward to sharing with you our finished project.

Happy Friday!