The children of Class Asia have had another great week. This week it was enrichment week with a focus on black history, music and art. One part of the week was an African music workshop focusing on drumming. The children absolutely loved it (see the videos and photos) and were full of inquisitive questions about Africa and drumming from their instructor, who was amazing. In addition, the class had another African themed writing workshop from Adam Bushnell. As always with Adam, he had the children’s creative juices flowing, and they had great fun.
Every week is a great week in Class Asia. Every week is a little better than the previous week. This week, the children have continued their exploration of dance with the ‘Spy’ theme. So far, they have been copying and adapting actions based on the theme, and today they choose and developed their own actions. They have been thinking about pathways, how they travel, how they interact with their partner and adapting the levels and speed at which they move. They have also working with using 8 beats to time their actions. The children are having a lot of fun and showing good progression with their skills. Why not ask your child to show you some of their dance routine they copied and adapted, and some of their own actions that they created?
A double dose of weekly news.
Last week Class Asia went to Crawcrook Library to raise awareness of this free treasure trove of creativity on their door step. They played some fun book games and picked out some books they would like to read. Please do visit the library with your child and make use of it.
This week, the class had the opportunity to plant trees as part of Emmaville’s programme to improve the biodiversity of the school and promote environmental initiatives.
The children of Class Asia have had a super week, working their socks off, showing the rights attitudes enjoying their learning. One area of learning this term has been in music. For Beethoven’s Symphony No 5, they had listened and described its rhythm, and created a graphic score for it. This week they practiced call and response for the rhythm, and worked in groups to orchestrate it using different instruments. The class very much enjoyed it and did a super job of working together as a mini orchestra.
A great first week back for Class Asia. The children have been amazing and applying all their learning attitudes well. This week in PE we started our unit on the invasion game netball, and the children have been developing passing, movement and play within the footwork rule.
The final week of Autumn 1, and Class Asia spent time finishing their torches in DT and evaluating them. They included in their torches a circuit and connected it to their switches. The children were able to discuss the torches using their scientific vocabulary and evaluate the success of their torch and areas of improvement.
Class Asia have also been doing OAA in PE for the last three weeks. They have developed skills for teamwork, communication, problem solving and map reading. The children have been outside in all conditions, been active, supported one another and bonded as a team.
Well done Class Asia on your first term; you have made a great start to the year! Have a great half-term break.
In Autumn 1, Class Asia have been learning how to play the trumpet. They have learnt how to hold it, how to position their lips, how to blow, how to read notes and how to play the notes E and F. The children are very much enjoying the learning and can practice at home as well with their trumpet and book.
One of the areas of learning Asia developed this week was in History where we have been focusing on Romans in Britain. This week we learnt about the Roman army and forts. The children engaged with and applied their learning of forts to create simple 3D representation of a Roman fort. Throughout, they used the language of forts whilst making, describing and explained the elements. They also used their creativity and cooperation skills in particular.
This week in Class Asia, in maths, the children consolidated their learning of column addition and subtraction with peer teaching. They had to describe and explain their calculations to their partner who would help out if they identified any misconceptions or error. A number of children from our class also represented the school at the Gateshead Schools Primary Cross-Country event. All of them were amazing and did the school proud. They showed commitment to run through the pain barrier, enthusiasm for the event and cooperation in their support of their team mates. This all paid off with an individual silver medal for one of our class, as well as gold position for the Year 3/4 A team and silver position for the 3/4 B team. Well done Class Asia.
Another super week in Class Asia. The children continued exploring electricity and circuits in DT and science. This week they explored creating switches for a circuit before testing whether they worked. In English, Class Asia have worked super hard on their losing tales. This week they wrote their stories from their plan and applied the skills they had learn last week to the them. They finished their writing by reviewing, editing and improving and then sharing their stories with each other. It was lovely to see all of the children telling their stories so enthusiastically to a captivated and eager audience. Well done everyone; you should be proud of yourself.
Class Asia have been exploring electricity and circuits in DT and Science. This week they had the opportunity to practically explore the components of a circuit and work out how a series and parallel circuit works. They used their cooperation skills to work in a team and their problem-solving skills to identify why a circuit may not be working. Within this all, they used the scientific vocabulary in their discussions. Why not have a discussion with your child about this learning and what else they’ve been doing this week? Well done Team Asia.
Class Asia have had a fab week. One the most enthusiastic and enjoyable elements was in English where we used role play to embed our knowledge and understanding of our model text, ‘David’s New Watch’. The children threw themselves into the acting. They showed creativity, enthusiasm, cooperation and confidence. By the end they knew the characters and plot as well as recognizing the emotions involved, not just as words but also as actions and expressions, which they can then use in their own writing.
We’ve had a great first week back in Class Asia. The children have worked hard on recognizing and developing their teamworking skills and the attributes that make positive learners. The children have used their creativity to create artwork about their hopes for Year 4 as well as Roman mosaics of dragons. They also developed their confidence with football and used their commitment in the cross-country trials to keep going the whole distance. Well done Year Four Class Asia.