Emmaville Primary School

Southern Europe Yr 3

Welcome to the Southern Europe Year 3 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 16th December 2022
Enrichment Week - Festivals
One of our favourite activities during Enrichment Week was learning about and making Christingles.
Carol Singing
The Year 3 children have also sung carols at two local care homes, the library and outside school for the parents. Well done year 3! You sounded wonderful and we all have that Christmassy feeling now!

Tuesday 13th December

Music - Samba Drumming Workshop

We have been so busy that we have not had the opportunity to share this with you! At the beginning of December, we had a wonderful morning at our Samba Drumming workshop. We played games to help us recognise the beat. Then we moved our bodies with the beat. We were introduced to lots of instruments and used phrases to help us play particular rhythms such as: surdo drums, ganza, reco-reco, jam blocks “I like fish and chips”, cowbells “coco pops”, agogo bells “ging gang gong”. We had a brilliant time and made a wonderful samba sound when we were all playing together! SAMBA!

Friday 2nd December
History - Jarrow Hall Anglo-Saxon Village
Wow! What a day we've had at Jarrow Hall. The children had a fantastic time and did us all proud. Their behaviour was exemplary!
Friday 25th November
Nature-based Art
We used British artist Andy Goldsworthy as inspiration for our own nature-based art. We really enjoyed this activity. We knew our art would not last long. In fact, some of it even blew away during the process of creating it! We took pictures as a record of what we made. 
Friday 18th November
Children in Need
We had a wonderful day today raising money for Children In Need. Well done to Henry for his beautiful cakes; you are our class winner for the cake competition!
We had great fun with a raffle, and other fun activities in the hall. We were completely wowed by all the wonderful cakes that the children brought in for our cake sale. Thank you to everyone, especially our school counsillors Grace and Jax for helping with the bake sale and the activities in the hall.
Local MP - Liz Twist
We also had a really interesting time meeting our local MP Liz Twist. She talked to us about her job and we learnt loads! We also had the opportunity to ask her lots of questions. 
What a fantastic day we have had.
Happy weekend everyone!
Friday 11th November
Art - Sculpture - Andy Goldworthy
This week, we learnt about the British artist Andy Goldsworthy and that he uses found natural objects, like leaves, sticks and stones, to create his sculptures.
We worked in our sketch books to jot down notes about his work and create some of our own ideas. It was a lovely calm and mindful afternoon. We listened to music while we drew and coloured our own leaf, stick and stone designs. We are looking forward to getting out into nature to make our sculptures soon.
Friday 4th November
Unusual Happenings!
On Tuesday, we came in after break to find two huge footprints on the classroom floor. What could have left the footprints? Why was it here?

We had lots of ideas. Maybe it was a dragon, a monster, a dinosaur or a huge lizard. 

We spoke to Curtis, the site manager, later in the day and he said that the fence had a hole in it. Maybe whatever left the footprints had made the hole.

Someone suggested that it might be cold or lonely and looking for some friends. We even wondered if we could keep it as a class pet. Do you think Miss Armstrong would mind?

Friday 14th October
Homework - Super effort Southern Europe!
A huge well done to all of those who have been doing their Spelling Shed assignments, their Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables practise and their daily reading at home. I was super impressed at how many children I moved up the star chart this week for their effort! 
Friday 7th October
Singing - Harvest Songs
We had a lovely time this week practising some harvest songs and then singing them together with other year groups at our assembly on Friday.
National Poetry Day - The Lost Words
This week our English lessons have been based around poetry. We looked at the poem 'Kingfisher' from the beautiful book 'The Lost Words'. We went on a nature walk and created kennings about different birds and animals. Over the course of the week we collected interesting and powerful vocabulary so that we could create our own poems.
Friday 30th September
Science - Constructing a bar chart
As part of our 'Animals Including Humans' topic, we have been learning about a balanced diet. We did yet more food tasting this week and tried some interesting fruits which some of us had never tried before. We tasted galia melon, mango, nectarine and pomegranate and then voted for our favourite. As you can see from our faces there were some quite extreme reactions to the tastes - both positive and negative! We used the data to construct a bar chart and then asked and answered questions using the bar chart.
European Day of Languages
To celebrate 'European Day of Languages' we learnt about the flags of different nations within Europe, used our atlases to find the countries and learnt how to say Hello in many of the languages. We even had a special visit from Oliver in Y5 who taught us a few words in Polish. Thank you Oliver!
Friday 23rd September 2022
Food Tasting - Southern European Food
On Thursday afternoon we had an exciting time tasting some Southern European food. We learnt about what the food was made of and where it came from. Some of the children had not tasted these foods before and I was particularly impressed with them for trying new things. They discussed and wrote about what they liked and disliked. It was lovely to see a huge line of hungry faces when I asked if anyone wanted seconds and some even came back for thirds! Ayla was a particular fan of the aubergine, so we didn't waste any! Lots of the children enjoyed the tsatsiki and many could identify the taste of mint in it. Well done everyone!
Friday 16th September

Thank You Your Majesty

We spent some time this week talking about the Queen and discussing how important she was to many people. We created a wreath and each wrote our own message of thanks on a corgi. On Friday night, Mrs Hamilton took a photograph of our wreaths and a personal message from Emmaville, all the way to Green Park in London. Mrs Hamilton said that it was so lovely to see everyone laying their flowers and messages and paying their respects to the Queen. She also said that she could smell the fragrance of the flowers, long before she could see them.

On behalf of all of all Year 3, Thank You Your Majesty.     

Friday 9th September
Welcome to Southern Europe's class page. You can visit this page weekly to find out what we have been up to.
It has been so lovely for me to start to get to know all the wonderful children in the new Southern Europe class! Miss Scanlon has enjoyed catching up with all the children again too.
We have had a super week, meeting up with our friends and learning about how to recognise each other's emotions and support each other when we need it. We talked about a 'nightmare school' and a 'dream school' and created our own class charter, promising to try to make our learning environment the best it can be.
We have also started our daily gratitude lists, writing down one thing each day that we are grateful for. It is a lovely habit to get in to and one that helps us to notice the good things in our lives and have a positive frame of mind.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Hamilton