Emmaville Primary School

Notice board

Ofsted are visiting school on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th February. Please take time to complete the Parent View survey by visiting the following website https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/  Thank you!
Reception - Year 6  World Book Day Lunch
On Thursday 6th March, if your child would normally have a packed lunch and would like to stay for the World Book Day lunch, please let the school office know by email: emmavilleprimaryschool@gateshead.gov.uk stating if they require the vegetarian option. We ask that you let the school office know by no later than the morning of Tuesday 18th February. This will enable our cook to finalise the food orders for the lunch. The cost of the lunch for children in Y3 – Y6 is £2.50 and this should be paid for through the Parentmail app.
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Welcome to Emmaville Primary School

Thank you for visiting Emmaville Primary School’s website. We are very proud of it and hope that you find it useful.

‘Together we Grow’ is our school motto and this conveys the belief that we are all on a continuous learning journey. The education of our pupils is a shared partnership; through this partnership we hope to provide every pupil with a successful and rewarding educational experience.

As this website provides information about our school, please feel free to leave comments. Not only is your feedback extremely important to us but it further develops the links with the wider school community. By regularly visiting the website you will be able to keep up to date with school events, discover what the children are learning and also find out about the progress and achievement of the pupils.

Through this website you will have access to news bulletins, school policies, dates for your diary, insight into collapsed curriculum weeks and the enrichment activities that we offer the children in order to broaden their horizons. However, should you wish to have more information about the school, or perhaps arrange to visit us; then please do not hesitate to contact me.

With best wishes,
Avril Armstrong
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