Emmaville Primary School

Gateshead Reception

Welcome to the Gateshead Reception Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 19th April
As part of our Friday morning rotation, the children spent one of the sessions with myself learning about Mary Anning. The children listened incredibly carefully as I read some facts about Mary Anning and the fossils she discovered in Lyme Regis.
After hearing about Mary Anning and her discoveries, the children had some fun making their own "fossils" using playdough, plastic dinosaurs and shells. The children made some wonderful looking fossils and loved seeing the impressions they could make using the dinosaurs and shells.
Once we had had lots of fun making fossils, we gathered back together to complete a short quiz on Mary Anning. Amazingly, all four key worker groups got all the questions correct about Mary Anning! I was EXTREMELY impressed! 
Well done to all the children in Reception class, you are all superstars!