Emmaville Primary School

Day One

We made it safe and sound!  The journey was smooth and (reasonably) quiet, and none of us have got lost at the bottom of our duvet cover.  We've just had lunch, and are now getting ready for our first activities of the afternoon.
More later.
Wow, what a busy afternoon we've had! Some of us went for a hike up a steep hill to Wainman's Pinnacle and Lund's Tower - otherwise known as the Salt Pot and the Pepper Pot.  At the top we 'weaselled' and 'bouldered' in, under and through some tight spaces.  It rained a little at times, but it all added to the fun, and everyone managed to step outside of their comfort zones and conquer a few fears.  
The rest of us donned harnesses and helmets and explored the dizzy heights of the zip wire and the high ropes. As you can see, the ropes were very high, but it was a lot of fun.
To round off the evening, Oceania class chilled in the movie room for a while, and Antarctica class toasted marshmallows on the fire and learnt a few circus skills.  We'll swap tomorrow evening, but for now, we are all trying to wind down for the night.  Some of us are very trying...