Emmaville Primary School

British Values and Protected Characteristics

Proud to be British
Proud to belong to a Diverse World

In June 2014, the Education Secretary at the time, Michael Gove, set out plans for all school children to be taught ‘British values’.  The DfE then reinforced the plans and said that there was the need, “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote fundamental British values.’

The Department of Education’s definition of fundamental British values is:

  • Democracy;
  • The rule of Law;
  • Individual liberty;
  • Mutual respect;
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

We believe British values are best defined as set out above, however these values are not actually unique to Britain alone.

At Emmaville Primary School, the above values and attitudes are promoted by all of the staff, who provide a model of behaviour for our pupils.  The principles will be taught to the children in a variety of ways and they will encounter these principles in everyday school life.  We have a very strong commitment to developing the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural attitudes of the children at Emmaville, we want the children to be excellent citizens and this is developed throughout all aspects of the curriculum.  

At times it is explicitly taught, for example through ‘Tolerance and Diversity’ Collapsed Curriculum weeks and SEAL lessons; however at other times, it is discretely embedded into the school’s curriculum.

Please use this link to download the full British Values Policy: