A little bit of history...
In September 2007 Emmaville became a one and a half form entry school with the capacity for 315 pupils. As a result of this some children are taught in mixed-age classes, although class organisation can vary from year to year depending upon pupil numbers. The admission limit for each year group is 45.
We believe that the education of our pupils is shared partnership between governors, teachers, parents, pupils and members of the wider community. Through this shared approach we can develop a happy, trusting and informed relationship, which will enable us to provide every pupil with the most successful and rewarding educational experience.
A large section of the present building was opened in August 1907, although there was an Emmaville Colliery School in the village for many years before this date. The school has a long tradition of serving the community and we aim to continue this tradition long into the future.
A new wing was added to the school in 1988, giving a variety of styles of classrooms and facilities. Further work was carried out to the school building during the summer of 2007. This building work was a result of the enlargement of the school in 2007.
In April 2010 major construction work commenced at Emmaville; funding for this work came from the Primary Capital Programme. The building work was completed for the beginning of the autumn term 2011. The refurbishments to the school have enhanced the indoor and outdoor learning environments for the pupils.
In September 2011 we opened our newly refurbished Early Years Foundation Stage Unit; this provision is for nursery and reception aged pupils providing an excellent resource for children’s first steps in education. Not only is the indoor space refurbished for the pupils, but the outdoor space has also been greatly enhanced, offering the younger children greater opportunities to engage with nature - a rich resource for social and cognitive growth.
As well as the Foundation Stage Unit, we have 10 classrooms. Excellent transition arrangements are in place for children transferring from the Foundation Stage Unit into Year 1, and from Year 2 into Year 3.
In addition to the classrooms, the school has many other learning zones. There is a large and well-stocked library, a main hall that is used for P.E and as a dining area, a music room, intervention rooms and a Family room that is used for the school’s Breakfast Club and After School Club.
The school has excellent grounds, which consist of an extensive playing field, trim trails, a conservation area, a playground at the rear of school with two bicycle shelters and a playground at the front of the school building.
We are very aware of the need to protect everyone in the school building so we have a security lock on the main entrance.
All visitors to school are welcome and should enter school by the main entrance; they must report to the office and sign in. On leaving the premises visitors should sign out. This is vital to ensure the safety of all children and adults in school. All other doors to school can only be opened from the inside.
In September 2017, a new Nursery classroom was opened. This room accommodates the 2-4 year-old pupils of our school.
In October 2017, building work commenced to the rear of the school building. The new extension was opened in July 2018 and comprises of a toilet block, two classrooms, a dance studio and a library/learning resource area.