Emmaville Primary School

Reading and Phonics

Reading and Phonics
At Emmaville Primary School, we believe that being able to read and write are the vital skills that enable us to understand and express ourselves more effectively. and open the door to learning and lifelong opportunities. 
We strongly believe in every child being a reader; this encompasses not only the technical skills of reading, but also developing a love for a wide range of literature. 
Learning to read in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One
In Foundation Stage and Key Stage One, children learn to read and write using the "Read Write Inc" phonics programme. Children will begin early in Reception, and they will continue on the programme until they are a competent reader and speller. Children take home a book which is closely matched to their phonetic knowledge, and should be encouraged to read and re-read this book to build fluency. They will also bring home a book, to be shared with a family member, which is purely for enjoyment. 
Read Write Inc is fully approved by the DfE and all staff delivering the programme have received training. Our teaching is then supported through regular development days with our Read Write Inc consultant to ensure children are learning to read in the most effective way. 
Here are a range of documents and videos that will help to give you further insight into how Read Write Inc works and also a letter to parents explaining the key points of Read Write Inc. 
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Our classrooms are language and book rich environments, to help children at every stage of reading and writing. Across school, children listen to daily stories. This is protected time, which is about developing a passion for books. These books are chosen from a bank of suggested literature, many of which are taken from Pie Corbett's reading spine, and also supplemented through a book subscription from Seven Stories to ensure we also make children aware of new authors and titles. 
In KS1, children take part in daily guided reading sessions in their Read Write Inc sessions where they read books containing the phonetic code they have been exposed to. This gives children success in their reading which therefore builds confidence and helps to instil a love of reading. 
In KS2, reading remains at the heart of the curriculum. High quality texts are shared in story time, and through whole class guided reading sessions. These sessions continue to develop children's love of reading as well as enhancing vocabulary and comprehension skills. 
Children in KS2 also have dedicated time during the week for independent reading. At Emmaville, we use Accelerated Reader. which is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing independent reading practise. Accelerated Reader is used by all children in KS2, who can access reading and a range of books independently. AR enables teachers to target instruction and accelerate reading growth for students of all ability levels.
All children will be aware of their individual ZPD level, which directs them towards books which will most effectively accelerate their reading skills. If you want to check the ZPD level of a book you have at home, you can use this website. 
Reading Spine
Whole class reading is a protected part of our school day at Emmaville. This is time for the children to listen to and enjoy a story. We feel that it is important that children experience a wide range of books including classic fiction, fascinating non-fiction and stories which reflect the diverse society that we live in. Have a look at the year group bookshelves to see the books which the children will enjoy during their time at Emmaville.