Emmaville Primary School

Day Two

Another action-packed day saw us all getting on the water at some point, at the local reservoir and having fun paddling around in canoes.  Actually, we spent quite a lot of time in the water, as the activity started with a quick hello to the resident kraken (full-face dunk), followed by a game of Twister in which we had to get named parts of the body in the water.  There was also a pirate treasure hunt for floating squeekies and a race to the beach.  Oh, and it was all rounded off by a leap off the jetty.  So, yes - very wet.
Today was also an opportunity for some of us to do the hillside walk and bouldering.  The weather was a lot better today, so perhaps a little less mud to crawl through.  Either way, so many of us conquered our fears again.  What superstars!
Yet another activity we were able to do today was the low ropes, in which we had to guide our blindfolded partners along wobbly walkways and tricky ropes.  Trust was the key.  Whether or not we had enough, was debatable, but it was all fun.
There was even a spot of orienteering, finding waypoint markers around the activity centre.  
And if that wasn't enough, we had a fencing lesson, learning how to thrust, parry and riposte.
To finish off the day, it was Oceania's class turn to toast marshmallows around the fire and practise their circus skills.  There was even time for a little show, for those who felt confident enough to demonstrate their new-found talents. 
All of us then retired to the dining room for a mug of hot chocolate and biscuits, and a good old quiz night.  Happy days.