Emmaville Primary School

Year 5 Visit the City of Durham

28th November 2023

Year 5 visited the ancient city of Durham, to kick-off their History topic of the Historical Heritage of Durham.  They began the day with a really interesting guided tour of the cathedral, finding all about how the monks of Lindisfarne first brought the sacred body of St Cuthbert to Durham.  It was here that they settled, building a church, and eventually the cathedral, which had so many fascinating features, like the world's first pointed stone archway, the cloisters used in some of the Harry potter films, monks' sleeping quarters and the tomb of St Cuthbert himself.  The children's guide, Joseph, was brilliant, and they learnt so much about the cathedral and the monks and bishops who lived and worshipped there.  
After lunch, they walked down the Bailey, past lots of university buildings, onto Prebends Bridge and then along the riverbanks up to the market place.  Map-reading and finding answers to a quiz kept them busy, as they discovered more about the city's history.  It was a fantastic day, and everyone had great fun learning about Durham.