Emmaville Primary School

Africa Year 4

Welcome to the Africa Year 4 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.

Friday 22nd December 2023

Merry Christmas!

We have had a lovely week filled with Christmas crafts, games and music! We had our Christmas party on Thursday afternoon which was fantastic (as the photos show!). We played musical statues, pass the parcel, Christmas corners, prizes and enjoyed a Christmas movie with cake and juice. The children (and I) loved it.

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas, New Year and a lovely break

Thursday 16th November 2023


Over the past couple of weeks in Art, we have been focusing on recreating portraits of two Tudor monarchs- Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. This links nicely with our History topic of the Tudors and Stuarts.

The children were shown a portrait of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I and they were then each given a square piece of the picture to recreate. Once finished, we then out them all back together to create a collage of the original portraits. I think the children have done brilliantly and the level of detail that they put into their work is outstanding! I am very proud of them. 

Well done Africa Class!

Friday 15th December 2023

Enrichment Week- ‘A Cover is not the book so open it up and take a look’

Enrichment week this week has focused on reading and promoting a love of reading for pleasure. We have had lots of fun doing a range of activities!

We started the week with a ‘Book Blanket’. This consisted of a range of books that children may or may not have seen or read before. It included poetry books, non-fiction and fiction books and books from authors that they probably would never normally choose to read. We had a great discussion around the books/ authors and the covers of the books. They then chose a book to read for the week and completed a book review on this.

We also made our very own ‘Reading River’ display for the classroom. This showcases everything that we have read so far this year (it is a lot!). The children also made their own ’24-Hour Read’ poster. Prior to this, they took a worksheet home and were tasked with thinking about everything that they had read in the past 24-hours; the purpose of this was to show the children that reading is not just ‘reading a book’.

To end the week, we did some ‘paired reading’ with the Reception children. This was lovely and they all thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thank you for a lovey week. Have a nice weekend :) Miss Lamb

Friday 1st December 2023

Marble Jar Treat

Well done Africa Class for filling our marble jar! This is down to your great listening skills, working as a team and working hard. To recognise this fantastic achievement, we had a movie and PJ morning! What a perfect day, the first of December, snow and the Grinch!

Well done :) 


Miss Lamb

Friday 24th November

This week we would like to share our artwork. The children started the term by working as a team to create a portrait of Queen Elizabeth I and Henry VIII.

We then looked at portraits of other Tudor Monarchs and developed our portrait skills by learning how to sketch facial features and create our own version of our chosen portrait.

I think you’ll agree all the children have worked hard to develop their skills and have produced some excellent work.


Friday 17th November

This week the children have shown just how empathic and thoughtful they are. They have been really enthusiastic about raising money for Children in Need – and they all look wonderful today! And they have also really enjoyed learning about different religions and cultures around the world.

We all agree that the guidance faith and non-religious practices give encourage positivity and being kind to all living things – and our Earth itself! The children also feel that with an understanding and respectful approach we can make the world a more positive place to live in.

We created some Inter-Faith Cup designs – I think you can agree that their ideas are everyone’s cup of tea!


Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Friday 10th November

Well done on a great week everyone! We have started our dance unit in P.E lessons and I was so impressed by the efforts of all the children. We talked about what we needed to have to be a good dancer – core strength, a good imagination, the ability to pay attention to detail, balance, stamina, technical skills and many more. We compared this to other sports and P.E units we have looked at and found a lot of transferable skills within P.E. The children then enjoyed sharing movement, passing ideas around a circle and working on different levels. We then enjoyed creating the start of a suspense dance – all the children did brilliantly and used all their existing skills to support them in developing a solid dance performance.

Happy Weekend!

Friday 20th October
The first thing I would like to celebrate about Africa class this week is their fantastic stickability in maths. This is the first week of our times tables checks where every person in the class has achieved a top score! Well done- great effort and keep up the good work!
We would also like to share about our fun trip to Crawcrook Library. We had a great time working in our spooky groups to answer questions about stories we know. The children wowed us all with their recall of facts, character names and authors. Then we really enjoyed racing to find the hoops so we could compete our witches hat quoits game. Thank you to the library for having us!
Well done everyone - Happy Weekend. 

Friday 13th October

The children have really brought their A game to our P.E lessons this week. They were set the challenge in football of maintaining control of the ball round a range of obstacles and also honing their shooting skills. We have been practicing the nudge technique to support dribbling and inside and outside hooks to help us turn and create spaces with the ball.

I have been really impressed with all the children for their attention to detail and their determination to master these skills.

In our basketball lesson alongside learning technical skills around passing the ball in different ways, the children have also worked really hard on their team skills and how to communicate with each other effectively while playing matches.

Friday 22nd September


This week we have had a great time extending our knowledge of electricity and electrical circuits during our science and D.T lessons. We recapped our knowledge about circuits and we then made our own switches to add into our circuits to give us control over when our light was on and off. We used a piece of cardboard, two split pins, a paperclip and some careful measuring skills.

We then linked our switches into our circuits, tested if the position of the switch made a difference to the brightness of the bulb. We found it did not. We are going to use our switches and the knowledge developed this week to help us to design a torch. Watch this space…

Happy weekend!

Friday 15th September

Well done on another fabulous week everyone!

We had a particularly great DT lesson where we investigated series and parallel circuits. The children used their knowledge from our science lesson the day before, to help them explain what electricity was and how it was produced. We then talked about how we might power a torch.

The children used key vocabulary to help them talk about the circuits we were building and the parts we were using and they did so with great enthusiasm!

Sparkling stuff!

Happy weekend!

Friday 8th September

Welcome back everyone! What a fantastic first week we have had. All the children have settled in so well and it has been lovely to get to know them.

We have had a very busy week of paper bridge building in DT, winning house team points in PE, writing and thinking about creating interesting characters in English, finding out about the North East in Geography, working chronologically through time in History, solving problems in maths and having lots and lots of fun during it all.

We particularly enjoyed creating mosaic art influenced by our class continent and creating doorway poetry inspired by our hopes and dreams for Year 4.

We hope you enjoy the photos of them.

After such a great start, we can’t wait to see what next week brings.

Happy weekend!