Week Ending Friday 27th September
This week, we have been learning our first Talk for Writing text, the story of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle. We started by telling the story with hand actions. We then drew a simple story map to help us remember the story for when we retell it. The children were fantastic at telling the story by the end of the week.
The children in nursery have been super independent this week, practising finding matching wellies from the welly rack and also learnt a new trick to put on their own coats- the coat flip.
We also introduced Jigsaw Jennie this week. This is a soft toy that helps us during group time to talk about our feelings. We started by passing it around and giving it a gentle hug. Then, using a chime, we concentrated on our breathing, slowly breathing in through our nose and out through our mouth, imagining a rainbow coming out. We also used the following link so we could visualise a rainbow when we did our breathing.
'Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle' is an Early Writing Program that we follow in nursery. It uses dance and large movements to help children develop the fine muscle control they need for writing. The children learn a new gross motor movement to a piece of music using 'flipper flappers' (cloths) to make the movement with their arms. They dance using this movement and then use it to make marks, this could be in foam, on paper, in the sand, etc. This week the movement was 'up and down'. This movement is used to form lots of letters such as l, t, i.
Week Ending Friday 20th September 2024
One of the children's favourite activities this week was a listening walk around the school.
We talked about the skills we need to make us good listeners - staying nice and quiet, looking for sounds, and listening hard.
We donned our big listening ears so that we could listen even better!
The children loved having a thorough exploration around the rest of the school and identified many sounds along the way - the older children working, dinner ladies cleaning, the phone ringing and doors banging.
Our Purple Poppies (two year olds) have also had a great time this week, settling into nursery life. We have introduced them to using a 'book blanket' to begin to look at and choose their own books to take home.
Week Ending Friday 13th September 2024
This week, we have enjoyed having our new nursery children in for their first full week. They have been amazing at settling into new routines and building relationships with friends and adults.
We have been practising our group time routines, finding photos for self registration and joining in with small group activities.
The children have loved playing circles games such as Bug in a Rug and using the lycra and parachute whilst singing nursery rhymes.
Everyone has been exploring all of our areas in nursery. We have seen some lovely role play between children in the home corner and imaginative play whilst building with the big blocks outside.
We ended the week with a 'book blanket' activity when the children could discuss why they liked the look of a particular book and then chose their own to take home in their book bags.
Week Ending Friday 7th September 2024
This week we have welcomed back our older nursery children, ready and refreshed for their full nursery year!
It was so lovely to see them playing happily together after the six-week holiday. I think a lot of the children have missed each other!
We have also loved having lots of children making their first short, induction visits; ready for longer sessions next week.
We cant wait for another full fun packed nursery year!