Emmaville Primary School

Crawcrook Nursery

Welcome to the Crawcrook Nursery Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Week Ending Thursday 19th December 2024
A fabulous final week of the year filled with Christmas treats; Christmas dinners, Christmas treasure hunts and our finale of a fabulous Christmas party, hosted by Lucy from The Baby Hub.
Week Ending Friday 6th December 2023
It began to feel very Christmassy in nursery this week, especially on Wednesday when we had the first of our Stay & Play Christmas Craft sessions.
Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended to work with their children to make some gorgeous Christmas gifts, cards, and decorations.

Week Ending 30th November 2024


This week we learnt about houses and homes.

To start the week, we talked about our own houses and who lives with us. We focused on using vocabulary such as mum, dad, sister, brother and pets. The children did a great job of drawing who lived in their house and told the rest of the group about their picture.


We also talked about different types of houses, how lots are different shapes and sizes and that houses have windows, doors, a roof etc.

The children used brown paper as an outline of their house and stuck shapes onto their paper to make doors and windows. Lots of the children were able to identify some rooms of their house, ‘this is my bedroom’ or ‘this is the kitchen’.

Week Ending Friday 22nd November 2024
Talk for Writing
At Emmaville, we use the Talk For Writing approach across the school, starting in Nursery.
Talk For Writing is based on the thinking and creative process involved in ‘being a writer’; including generating ideas, drawing on the experience of what has been read, and understanding how to change and improve.
Talk For Writing involves the oral learning of model texts and the oral development of new versions so that children internalise the language patterns that they need for writing, adding to their linguistic competency. This benefits children’s writing as they get older. With a wealth of stories already in their heads, they can focus on the technical parts of writing rather than creating a story.
Last week, our Talk for Writing text was the Traditional Tale, The Little Red Hen
The children learned the story, using actions and a story map.
We baked bread and enjoyed it for snack.
Some of the children finished the week by attempting to draw their own story maps and use them to retell the story to each other.
Week Ending Friday 8th November 2024
This week in nursery we have introduced the children to Remembrance Day through art activities, stories and this Cbeebies short animation:
Miss James was so impressed by how our youngest two year old children responded:
'There was no pressure for comments or discussion, but the children commented that they had seen people wearing poppies, pointing to my poppy. Some said their grown ups had poppies too. I was blown away when we bumped into Miss Armstrong, and a group of children told her that everything went dark, then the light came back and poppies grew! I thought this was such a lovely way of looking at it from a child’s observation.'
The Purple Poppies also created these beautiful poppies and a few extra handprints to make a wreath for the door of the Rainbow Room. 
Week Ending Friday 25th October
We have enjoyed our week of Halloween themed activities. We started the week with pumpkin hunting in the forest area and counting how many pumpkins we found.
We have learnt the Pointy hat poem from the poetry basket and practised the Makaton signs to go with it.
We enjoyed practicing our scissor skills by snipping paper and rolling it into a witch's broomstick.
At the end of the week, we read the book Spider Sandwiches and as our Halloween treat, we made our own spiders, using chocolate spread and pretzel sticks for legs. The children were great at counting out eight legs to put on their spider. 

Week Ending Friday 18th October 2024
This week in nursery, we have been investigating all of the changes that are happening around us, as we are now in the full swing of Autumn!
We collected Autumn treasures in the forest and made Autumn crowns and wreaths. We talked about the change in the colour of the leaves.
We learned a new song called 'Leaves are Falling' - I have attached the Zebra group's fabulous rendition. The children used Makaton to sign the different colours in the song.

Week ending Friday 11th October 2024


The rain does not stop our play in Nursery. We popped on our waterproofs and wellies then set off to the forest area to find and investigate insects as part of our Minibeast theme. We looked under leaves and tree stumps finding bugs like slugs, spiders and worms. We were all fascinated. We ticked off what we found on our spotter sheets and talked about why we didn't find any ladybirds or butterflies.


We have used some action cards to make gross motor movements to move like minibeasts. We zoomed like a fly, marched like an ant, fluttered like a butterfly, slithered like a slug and wriggled like a worm.


This week, we’ve been singing and using Makaton for ‘There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden’. After singing the song, we rolled some play dough into worms. We then used mathematical language to talk about and compare the lengths of our worms; shorter and longer.


Our 2 year old have been learning the poem Hammer Hammer Hammer this week. They were fantastic at doing the actions and repeating some of the words. They also looked at the Autumn book and talked about the colours that the leaves are during autumn. The children then created some of their own colourful leaves.

Week Ending Friday 5th October 2024
We celebrated National Poetry Week in Nursery by learning the first of our 'Poetry Basket' poems - Chop Chop.
Each half term, the children learn a new poem, enabling them to learn at least 12 poems by the time they leave us for Year 1!
We explored lots of different vegetables that we could 'chop chop' - the children used their senses and some were more popular than others when it came to the taste test!
In our Phase 1 phonics sessions, we explored 'Environmental Sounds' - in this activity, the children were encouraged to make different sounds outside with their wooden beaters. The skills the children are developing here are to make sounds, listen carefully to different sounds, and to be able to describe what different things sound like. It is also obviously great fun!

Week Ending Friday 27th September


This week, we have been learning our first Talk for Writing text, the story of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle. We started by telling the story with hand actions. We then drew a simple story map to help us remember the story for when we retell it. The children were fantastic at telling the story by the end of the week.


The children in nursery have been super independent this week, practising finding matching wellies from the welly rack and also learnt a new trick to put on their own coats- the coat flip.


We also introduced Jigsaw Jennie this week. This is a soft toy that helps us during group time to talk about our feelings. We started by passing it around and giving it a gentle hug. Then, using a chime, we concentrated on our breathing, slowly breathing in through our nose and out through our mouth, imagining a rainbow coming out. We also used the following link so we could visualise a rainbow when we did our breathing.



'Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle' is an Early Writing Program that we follow in nursery. It uses dance and large movements to help children develop the fine muscle control they need for writing. The children learn a new gross motor movement to a piece of music using 'flipper flappers' (cloths) to make the movement with their arms. They dance using this movement and then use it to make marks, this could be in foam, on paper, in the sand, etc. This week the movement was 'up and down'. This movement is used to form lots of letters such as l, t, i.

Week Ending Friday 20th September 2024
One of the children's favourite activities this week was a listening walk around the school.
We talked about the skills we need to make us good listeners - staying nice and quiet, looking for sounds, and listening hard.
We donned our big listening ears so that we could listen even better!
The children loved having a thorough exploration around the rest of the school and identified many sounds along the way - the older children working, dinner ladies cleaning, the phone ringing and doors banging.
Our Purple Poppies (two year olds) have also had a great time this week, settling into nursery life. We have introduced them to using a 'book blanket' to begin to look at and choose their own books to take home.
Week Ending Friday 13th September 2024
This week, we have enjoyed having our new nursery children in for their first full week. They have been amazing at settling into new routines and building relationships with friends and adults.
We have been practising our group time routines, finding photos for self registration and joining in with small group activities.
The children have loved playing circles games such as Bug in a Rug and using the lycra and parachute whilst singing nursery rhymes.
Everyone has been exploring all of our areas in nursery. We have seen some lovely role play between children in the home corner and imaginative play whilst building with the big blocks outside.
We ended the week with a 'book blanket' activity when the children could discuss why they liked the look of a particular book and then chose their own to take home in their book bags.
Week Ending Friday 7th September 2024
This week we have welcomed back our older nursery children, ready and refreshed for their full nursery year!
It was so lovely to see them playing happily together after the six-week holiday. I think a lot of the children have missed each other!
We have also loved having lots of children making their first short, induction visits; ready for longer sessions next week.
We cant wait for another full fun packed nursery year!