Friday 14th July
We have had the most amazing enrichment week in England class full of so much fun and learning new things. We have taken part in some brilliant workshops on mindfulness, spoke about gratitude and what we are grateful for and even practiced some daily meditation! The children have been brilliant at giving everything a go and some have even started completing some mindfulness activities outside of the classroom.
This week I wanted to share with you all the amazing Emmaville Rainbow Fun Run which we took part in yesterday. The children all came to school dressed in their brightest rainbow colours and looked absolutely amazing! We were all so excited to take part in the run and when it was our turn we ran so fast! The children absolutely loved the Yr5 boys and girls helping them throughout the run and were very relieved to be greeted at the finish line with an ice lolly and sticker. We then cheered on the children in Yr2 for their fun run and were a enthusiastic and so supportive. It was a brilliant day by all and the children all can’t wait to hopefully do it again next year. Please see some photos below of the children.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone ready for our final week of the year!
Mrs Thompson
Thursday 6th July
It has been a fantastic week in England class this week where we have been learning all about time in Maths, comparing the four seasons in Science and reviewing our learning this term in History and Geography. I was wowed yesterday afternoon by the children’s sticky knowledge about significant people and places that we had learnt about this term.
On Tuesday afternoon we took part in Emmaville’s KS1 Sports Day and had an absolutely brilliant time. All the children were so excited to be part of the events and earning points for their house teams. We had practiced on Monday afternoon some of the events such as the egg and spoon race and throwing the howlers. During Sports Day we took part in 8 events where 4 of the events earned us points for our team. We were split as a class into Team A and Team B however that didn’t stop us from cheering all of our friends on as we worked through each events. We had some absolutely amazing running, super balancing and fantastic throwing. The Yr5 children were so impressed by how good we were at the events and how hard we tried. We all agreed afterwards that it was a brilliant time because we all got to take part. We can’t wait to now find out who is going to have won the whole event.
Have a lovely long weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson
Friday 30th June
We have had a brilliant week in England class taking part in Godly play sessions, learning all about the Olympics in History and meeting our new class teacher during step up morning.
This week I wanted to share the amazing work we have been doing in DT this week where we have been looking at making fruit and vegetable smoothies. We have been taste testing over the past few weeks some different fruits and vegetables to go in our smoothie and we came up with the idea to make a banana, strawberry, cucumber and orange smoothie as they were all of our favourite fruits and vegetables. We firstly had to prepare the ingredients so we each took it in turns to cut the pieces of fruit and vegetable. We used a claw grip when we chopped each of them up and were very good at being safe when using the sharp knives. We then blended all the ingredients together using a blender until it made a smoothie for us to drink. We had a taste test and absolutely loved our creation – some of us even had a second drink! Once we had washed up and put everything away, we designed some product packaging in our books for our smoothie to go into. There were lots of colorful designs and we took some inspiration from other smoothie packaging that is on the market.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson
Friday 23rd June
We have had an amazing week this week filled with theatre trips, smoothie taste testing and writing poems. I couldn’t be more proud of how well behaved the children have been when we have been out of class this week – they were a credit to our school.
Yesterday afternoon we had a wonderful afternoon trip out to the Tyne Theatre to watch a performance of Zog. We have been learning all about Zog in our recent English lessons and we were so excited to watch the performance of the story. We had an amazing time watching the performance with all the singing and dancing – we even joined in! Here are what some of the children said about the performance:
Erin – I loved when Zog finally got his gold star.
Henry – I liked when they were singing the songs.
Ben – I liked when Zog and Sir Gadabout had a fight. It was very funny.
Ava – I felt really sad for Zog when he didn’t win a golden star.
Charlotte – I liked when Sir Gadabout came onto the stage and pretended he had a horse. He even gave his imaginary horse to someone in the audience to look after.
Bobby – My favourite part was when Zog was doing funny things such as bumping into things to make everyone in the audience laugh.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson
Friday 16th June
We have had a brilliant week in England this week in the glorious sunshine. We have been writing our innovated Farmer Duck story, exploring the Summer weather in Science and learning all about Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in History.
Yesterday we had our second session of tag rugby from an external provider. Alex led us through a range of activities including playing stuck in the mud with a rugby ball, completing some team relays where we catching the ball and finally playing with the tag belts where we tried to catch each other tags. We love our sessions on a Thursday afternoon and we can’t wait for the next session to improve our skills.
Today we also said goodbye to our wonderful student teacher Miss Robinson who has now completed her final placement for her degree. We have been so fortunate to have her in our class and we are going to miss her. I am sure whatever class she has next will love her as much as we have.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson
Friday 9th June
It has been a fantastic first week back following on from half-term and the children have came back ready to learn during their last term in Year 1. We have been learning a new story in English this week called Farmer Duck and have also started a new topic in Maths all about coins and unitising.
On Wednesday afternoon we had a brilliant DT lesson with Miss Robinson. It was our first lesson of the topic and we were learning all about fruit and vegetables. We discussed what makes a fruit and what makes a vegetable. We then had a go at sorting some real-life fruits and vegetables into the correct category. There was lots of discussion in our groups and as a class as some of the fruits surprised us! After all of our discussion and feedback, we had a chance to try some of the foods including cucumber. We all loved trying the foods and describing what their texture and taste and we know how important it is to have a healthy diet which includes eating lots of fruit and vegetables.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson and Miss Robinson
Friday 19th May
We have had a wonderful week in England class this week learning all about Wylam in Geography, creating and reading poetry as part of our Oracy nature poetry competition and searching for different types of tree around our school grounds in Science.
Yesterday afternoon we had a very special treat. We went on a visit to our local library in Crawcrook ,which luckily for us, is only a 5 minute walk from school. We were so excited to see what we were going to do when we visited as some of us had been before. We listened to Scott, the librarian, who read us a story called ‘Daddy’s sandwiches’. In the story, a child made her dad a sandwich full of all his favourite things such as a TV remote, jam and even a newspaper. We then went on a hunt around the library to find all of the things that were in the sandwich. After that, we put each of the items into a giant sandwich to make the sandwich like in the story. We loved sharing with Scott all of our favourite books and even had time to explore some of the books in the library. It was a brilliant visit from start to finish.
Have a super weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson and Miss Robinson
Friday 5th May
We have had such a brilliant week in England class learning all about adding an subtracting numbers to 20 in Maths, finding out all about Sydney and it’s climate in Geography and learning all about Shabbat in RE.
This week we wanted to share some of the amazing work the children have complete in English. We have been writing this week an innovated story based on our class story for this topic of the Magic Porridge Pot. The children have came up with some of the most amazing innovations and when they begun writing their stories this week, I couldn’t have been prouder for their creativity and ideas. Here are some short extracts from a few stories;
Once upon a time there was a cave boy called Danny who lived with his poor cave mam. One day Danny was walking through the woods and helped an oldy lady carry her bags home. For a reward, she gave him a magic cherry pot. – Charlotte
“A swish, a swosh and stop” said the old woman. The pot was full of candy canes. Sugarplum ran home to show her mother and said “A swish, a swosh and stop!”. Soon the magic candy cane pot was full with candy canes. – Erin
One day Blake visited his grandad. His mother felt hungry. She said the magic words. Soon the pot was full of chips. But she forgot the words to make it stop. There was chips everywhere! – Brody
Fairy Poppy came back home. She shouted “Stop little pot stop!”. Luckily the pot stopped. In the end everyone had to eat fairy burgers for a whole month and they lived happily ever after. – Josie
What absolutely amazing stories! I am so proud of the amazing writers we have in this class. Have a wonderful weekend celebrating the coronation everyone!
Mrs Thompson and Miss Robinson
Friday 28th April
We have had such a super week this week in England class this week learning all about garden plants in Science, practicing target games in PE and innovating the magic porridge pot story in English.
This week the children have completed their second week of printing in Art. They have been over the past 2 weeks trying different techniques to print. Last week we used vegetables and sponges to print paint into our sketch books. The children were fantastic at pressing, rubbing and rolling the materials in the paint and then applying this into their art books. This week the children have been creating their own stencils to then use when they complete the printing technique. We were so proud of the children and their attitude towards learning. Keep it up superstars!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson and Miss Robinson
Friday 21st April
We have had such a fantastic week back this week here in England class full of super learning. We have been looking at teen numbers in Maths, learning the magic porridge pot story in English and exploring the printing technique in Art.
This week we have started a brand new topic in our Science lessons all about plants. We have been learning this week all about wild plants that grow. We firstly had a look at a selection of wild plants such as dandelions, daisies and buttercups. We realised that a wild plant was a plant that grew by itself and they are not planted and looked after by humans. We then decided to have an explore of the local area around school including near the park to see if we could spot any wild plants. We spotted lots of dandelions and ivy growing around the local area. We recorded our observations on a tally sheet and came back and discussed our results as a class. We loved being out of class and exploring our local area as well as learning about something new.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Mrs Thompson and Miss Robinson