Emmaville Primary School

Wales Year 2

Welcome to the Wales Year 2 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 7th February
Design and Technology- Making Healthy Wraps
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about a balanced diet using the healthy eating plate and have even been tasting some new foods. This week, the children have really enjoyed making their chosen designs following on from the design brief they received last week. We discussed the importance of food hygiene and food preparation before we can construct our healthy wraps. The children learnt the safe methods of cutting food using both the 'bridge' and 'claw' hold and applied these skills to chop some of the foods.
Wales class particularly loved the moment they got to taste their finished wraps and nearly all gave them the thumbs up. Next week, we are going to evaluate our designs and self-assess our new skills.
Friday 31st January
Over the last half-term, we have really enjoyed inviting some of our parents into school to tell us all about their careers and find out what is involved in these job roles. We didn't even know all these jobs existed but now we have so many questions and have begun to think about all the exciting careers we could go into when we are older. This week we were very excited to find out about the many jobs Jonny has done including working in Disney World Florida and onboard the Disney cruise ship. All of Year 2 were in awe at a magic tricky Jonny performed for us. Jonny told us about how he had changed careers a few times in his adulthood and used his skills in a range of roles.
Friday 24th January
It was rather loud at times in Wales class this afternoon as we were working in teams to compose our own short pieces of music inspire by the piece 'A Short Ride in a Fast Machine' by John Adams an American composer. We experimented with the timbre of the different instruments to decide which ones would be best suited to the movement of a fast vehicle. Mrs Hamilton was really impressed with our teamwork and each group composed some very exciting pieces. 
Friday 17th January