Emmaville Primary School

Wales Year 2

Welcome to the Wales Year 2 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 27th September
If you walked past Wales class this week you may have heard some loud noises coming from the classroom as the children have been investigating 'pitch' in their music lessons. We have started to create our very own superhero theme tune in groups thinking carefully about the names of our superheroes and how to create high and low pitches using the different instruments. We had great fun and enjoyed using our voices as an instrument too.
Friday 20th September
In PE this half-term we are developing our 'Team Building' skills and over the last few weeks have taken part in PE lessons focusing on developing some of the key skills needed to work as an effective team. One of our favourite games was when we were challenged to work as a team to do the 'Elephant Walk'. We had to successfully communicate with our team, use our resilience and coordinate our movements with our peers in order to be successful. This week we've been applying all these new teamwork skills to help our friends successful navigate across 'the sea from the desert islands' using just two hoops and excellent communication skills.
Friday 13th September
Take One Book-Pip and Egg
This year we have introduced a new approach to guided reading to develop our children's pleasure for reading and introduce them to a diverse range of authors whose books they may enjoy. In guided reading this week, we have absolutely loved exploring and sharing the book Pip and Egg by Alex Latimer and bestselling illustrator David Litchfield which is a story of friendship and the challenges friendships may face. The children have relished the opportunity to read aloud wit their peers and revisit the story themselves taking on the roles of the different characters and developing their expression.
At the end of the week, we reflected on the story and rewrote the blurb to tempt and encourage others to read it but without giving anyway too much. We can't wait to read some more of the books illustrated by David Litchfield including The Bear and the Piano and his newest book The Dinosaur Nextdoor.
Welcome to Wales Class!
Friday 6th September
What a brilliant first week the children of Wales class have had! I am very proud of how they have settled into Year 2 and they are beginning to get used to their new routines. It has been a great first week, hearing all about the exciting things they have been getting up to in the summer holidays and working together to complete some team challenges. We learnt all about our class name 'Wales' and have created some beautiful artwork which will be displayed in our classroom. 
We look forward to welcoming you into the classroom at Meet the Teacher!
Miss Woolard and Mrs Wallace