Emmaville Primary School

Antarctica Year 5

Welcome to the Antarctica Year 5 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 7th February
What a fab week! This week, for Children's Mental Health week, we have been focusing on the theme of 'Grow Yourself to Know Yourself'. We thought a lot about how our emotions can affect us and how we can recognise when things are maybe not going to plan. Today, we have completed some 'Cups of Positivi-tea' to hand out to our classmates on Monday for a little morning pick-me-up. It has been so lovely to hear the children talk so openly about emotions - the good and the bad. I have loved chatting to them all and thinking about how we can all benefit from taking a moment for ourselves sometimes.
In English, we have continued to look at poetry. This week, we looked at William Wordsworth's 'I wandered Lonely as a Cloud' and 'The Prelude'. Neither of these poems are easy - but the children were amazing at spotting different interpretations and meanings. I was so impressed with how they responded to these poems and how they worked as teams to prepare performances. 
Keep it up Antarctica, you are all stars!
Have a fantastic weekend everybody!
Miss McKean and Miss O'Hara

Friday 31st January

What a week! It has been such an exciting time for us in Antarctica class – and the highlight for most of us was having Florence’s dad Jonny come to speak to us about his career journey. It was so inspiring to hear him talk about his range of jobs, so many of us came away saying that we wanted to do that too! Jonny started working at Disneyworld Florida for a year, and then moved onto the Disney Cruise Ship. When he finished here, he was not ready to leave America, so he worked in summer camps for a while. He even showed us a magic trick that he learned when working in the states - we were amazed.

When he got back (with no clue what he wanted to do!) his parents told him that he needed to get a ‘proper job’ (which made us all laugh). He went into teaching and coaching, and even took a group of children to work at the Olympics! After a while, he wanted a change and he began working as a Senior Financial Advisor in Alnwick. It was such an interesting talk, and we all absolutely loved it. Thanks again Jonny, you are amazing!

Have a fab weekend everyone, we all deserve a rest after working so hard!

Miss McKean and Miss O’Hara

Friday 24th January

We have so many exciting things to share with you this week! Firstly, on Monday we had an amazing gymnastics session with Miss Field. Miss Field is a student teacher who is currently working in year 2, but she is also a trained gymnast! She taught our PE lesson on Monday, and taught us about canon and synchronised movements – we even tried a headstand!

We have finished our picture frames in DT – and they have turned out FANTASTICALLY!! The children had to measure, saw, sand and glue the wood to create a frame which they then decorated – they are amazing.

In science, we have been looking at forces. This week, we looked at the force of friction, and how different surfaces and shoes create different amounts of friction. It was a great experiment. Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss McKean and Miss O’Hara

Friday 17th January

What a great week we have had! This week, as part of our personal growth curriculum, we had a visit from Sarah, who is a social worker. She told us that her job is really difficult, but that she loves it! She helps people who are struggling and her favourite part of her job is coming into schools. We got to ask her lots of interesting things about her job, and found out that she has worked there for 4 years. She goes to court and helps to make big decisions – it sounds like a really interesting job!

On Friday, we got the Newton metres out and began investigating the force of gravity on different items. We even thought about the moon’s gravity – which is 6 times less than on Earth! The children are such super scientists, they should be so proud!

Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss McKean and Miss O’Hara

Friday 10th January
Welcome back! The children have made an amazing start to the New Year, and have worked incredibly hard. We are so proud of them.
In DT this half term, we are focussing on woodwork. On Thursday morning, we had our first go at using tools such as a saw and sandpaper. The children have made a magnetic note holder this week, and they are going to make some more amazing products this half term! Mr Saddington was very impressed with how well the children worked with these new tools, they were very sensible and made sure to stay safe. Keep it up! I can't wait to see which other great products they design and make.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Miss McKean and Miss O'Hara