Emmaville Primary School

Northern Ireland Year 2

Welcome to the Northern Ireland Year 2 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Week beginning 3rd February 2025
This week the children have really enjoyed continuing with our French topic 'Lili et Nounours'. The children are fantastic at remembering the key vocabulary from the whole story; this week we learnt how to say hide and seek in French - cache-cache. In our previous sessions we have learnt:
  • un picnic - picnic 
  • une forêt - forest
  • un sandwich - sandwich
  • un bon jus - a nice juice 
We also talked about the verb manger (to eat) and jouer (play). I have been blown away by their recall and enthusiasm for French!
Très bien Northern Ireland! 
Miss Field
Week beginning 27th January 2025 
We have made a fantastic start to our new gymnastics topic this week in PE. The children have enjoyed exploring different key gymnastics shapes and learning about body tension. The children were particularly good at balancing in both a pike and straddle shape- we even tried lifting our bodies up and supporting ourselves with our hands! We certainly have some talented gymnasts within our class!
Well done Northern Ireland.  
Miss Field
Week beginning 20th January 2025
This week I would really like to share our fabulous Geography work.  We have been learning all about Hawaii and worked in groups to make some posters persuading people to visit Hawaii.  The children were so enthusiastic during this lesson and created some wonderful, eye catching posters.  Here are some of our favourite facts that we found out:
Hawaii is the 50th American State - James
Honolulu is the capital city - Hollie
One of the most favourite sports in Hawaii is surfing - Ollie
Hawaii is a volcanic island - Neeve
The Pacific Ocean surrounds Hawaii - Callum
Barack Obama came from Hawaii - Oliver
I'm sure you will agree that we know lots of information about Hawaii - we will continue learning even more over this half term too.
Well done Northern Ireland, a great week!
Week beginning 13th January 2025
We have had a great week full of learning across all subject areas.  I would love to celebrate our DT work this week.  Our focus for this half term is healthy eating - last week we looked at the Eatwell Plate and different food groups.  This week we sampled a range of foods from each group.  The children were very brave at trying foods they had never tried before and even decided they would like to eat them again.  What a fun lesson!
Week beginning 6th January 2025
Happy New Year everyone!  Welcome back - what a super first week back we have had.  This half term, as part of our Personal Development curriculum, we have a number of visitors coming into school to tell us all about their job roles.  This week we had a pastry chef and a paramedic come in.  We loved the sound of their jobs and really enjoyed exploring the ambulance and sampling some very delicious cookies!  Thank you to Helen, Seaghan and Ellie for coming to visit us!