Week ending 7th February
This week has been National Storytelling Week and Children's Mental Health Week.
The children have become storytellers using different props in nursery before exploring characters in books, and we even built our own stories in our groups. In the forest area, we have read a beautiful story called 'What Will I Be' which has allowed the children to think about what jobs they could have when they're older.
As part of Children's Mental Health week, the children have created their own beautiful Mindfulness Jars to help them feel calm; Jigsaw Jenie has come to visit as part of our PSHE learning, supporting us to learn about our emotions and how to be kind to others. We have taken part in daily yoga and we have loved dancing to Meghan Trainor's 'Better When I'm Dancing' to make us feel happy and regulated!
Purple Poppies
The Purple Poppies have had a very busy week exploring the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as part of National Storytelling week. They have done some fantastic ordering with the items from the story in the forest area. The children have had fantastic recall of the story, and have decorated our very own bears using play dough. I wonder if the Purple Poppies can become story tellers and tell you the story of Goldilocks at home?
Week Ending 31st January 2025
This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year ready for the celebrations at the weekend. The children in Nursery enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year traditions and looking at the props.
We read and acted out the story of Chinese New Year and also practised using chopsticks to eat noodles.
Bird Week - Week ending 24th January 2025
This week we have been learning all about birds.
It was the RSPB's Big School Bird Watch so we spent time outdoors counting and identifying different species of birds.
Some of the birds that we saw were small like the robins and the blue tits, but others were big like the red kites and the pigeons.
We talked about how in Winter it is harder for the birds to find food, so we made some delicious bird feeders that we took home to peg in our gardens.
We also got creative and made some amazing bird pictures too!
The Purple Poppies have also been learning about birds this week. Miss James created a fabulous bird hide so the children could do their own bird spotting in the rainbow room before we engaged in some sensory activities to explore some of the features of birds.
Week Ending Friday 17th January 2025
This week we have celebrated an important Birthday! Our 'Star of the Week' bear; Starry Bear turned 4!
This led to lots of fabulous opportunities for the children to talk about their own birthdays and their own experiences of parties and presents.
There was lots of mathematical opportunities as we looked at numerals on Birthday cards, counted out candles on playdough cakes and compared the size, shape and weight of birthday presents.
Mark making featured as the children made cards, presents and invitations.
At the end of the week, the children enjoyed decorating cakes and hosting a range of singing and dancing party games!
Our two year old children have been very interested in vehicles lately. Their book of the week was 'Car, Car, Truck, Jeep' which included lots of lovely repeated refrains that the children could join in with. Their nursery rhyme of the half term is 'The Wheels on the Bus' and they have loved acting this out with bus props.
Week Ending Friday 10th January 2025
Brrrrrrrrr...that was a chilly week!
We still got outside to enjoy lots of lovely sunny, crisp winter fresh air though. The children are becoming much better at putting their outdoor clothes on independently...keep practicing that 'flip trick' for your coats!
This week the children enjoyed listening to We're Going on A Bear Hunt. We read the story over and over, encouraging the children to join in with the repeated refrains and actions to join the words.
We also went on our bear hunts around the school and the forest area; practicing teamwork, counting, positional language, and listening skills.
Our two year olds have also had a great first week back.
This week they have been exploring 'feelings and emotions' through books, identifying what emotions might look like on themselves and others. We also introduced the children to some calming activities such as making rain shakers to play alongside calming music and deep breathing.