Emmaville Primary School

Gateshead Reception

Welcome to the Gateshead Reception Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 12th July
We have had such a wonderful time participating in our "Olympic Enrichment Week". We have taken part in workshops, completed a daily run to try and improve our time, shared our sporting achievements and learned about the Olympic Games!
We had a lovely lesson learning about the past Olympic mascots and the children loved looking at the different mascots that have been used throughout the Olympic Games. I was extremely impressed with the Olympic mascots that the children designed, they are so original and imaginative! 
One of my highlights from the week was watching the children share their sporting achievements. It highlighted what a sporty class we have and also the range of sports that Gateshead class take part in... We had gymnastics, cycling, paddle boarding, ballet, fishing, football, cricket, kick boxing and more!
This afternoon we had an Olympic celebration and danced with Lucy from The Baby Hub! The children absolutely loved dancing and moving with the pom poms, twirling ribbons and of course the glow sticks! It was such a wonderful way to end our week Olympic enrichment week!
Friday 5th July
The children took part in activity called “Emmaville in Bloom” this morning as one of their Friday fun jobs. For the activity, the children were asked to use water colours to paint a picture of a red rose. The children were all so focused and looked very carefully at the roses they were painting. The artwork the children produced was absolutely wonderful!
Wednesday 19th June
We have had such a brilliant morning taking part in Sports Day and I was absolutely blown away by the children in Gateshead class! The children took part in eight Sports Day activities; egg and spoon race, howler throw, sack race, sprint, angel race, hockey dribble, space hopper race and finally the beanbag and hoop challenge. The children listened extremely carefully to the grown ups instructing them, tried their best on every activity and smiled throughout the morning. We ended a very exciting morning with rocket lollies in the sunshine!
It was an absolute pleasure to take part in Sports Day with Gateshead class and we had such a great morning. Well done to all the children in Gateshead!
Tuesday 11th June
Well done to Theo for being selected as Gateshead’s oracy competition winner! Theo was asked “What is your favourite outdoor activity?” and Theo came up this wonderful description of his favourite activity. Well done Theo, superb oracy skills.
Wednesday 5th June

We have had a wonderful day at Gibside; the children have been absolute super stars and enjoyed the days activities. When we arrived at Gibside, we walked to the woods and went on a hunt for mini-beasts. We carefully put the mini-beasts into little jars which had a magnifying glass on the end so we could carefully observe the creatures. Then, we placed the mini-beasts into trays to get another look at them. We then walked back for our lunch as Nikita (a National Trust volunteer) carefully returned the mini -beasts to their habitats.


After lunch it was time for a play in the park; the children loved exploring and playing with their friends. Next it was time for another activity and this time we roasted marshmallows around a fire! The marshmallows were delicious and it was lovely to sit around the fire together. Finally, the children made beautiful flower crowns and loved foraging for natural materials to put on their crowns.


We had an absolutely brilliant day and the children have been extremely polite, well behaved, kind and considerate; with even the staff members and volunteers at Gibside commented on how well behaved and polite the pupils were!

Thursday 23rd May
Today we have all worn our own clothes (and tried to wear something orange) to raise money for Children's Cancer North. This fantastic charity supports children and the families of children going through cancer treatments, invests in vital research and helps to raise awareness of cancer. This morning, for our "start of the day activity", we learned a little bit about the charity and the amazing job they do in supporting children and families going through cancer treatment. 
Friday 17th May
This week, we completed our final week in English on "Supertato" and I have been blown away by the writing the children in Gateshead class have produced!
The children were extremely amused to see Evil Pea had been sneaking around our classroom and they wrote some super short phrases using CVC words describing Evil Pea's location.
In addition to this, we received a letter from Evil Pea and we all had a go at writing a letter back to Evil Pea. With some support, the children did a fantastic job of writing back to Evil Pea and they are even starting to use full stops and finger spaces in their writing too!
Writing can sometimes be a little bit tricky, but I am so proud of how all the children in Gateshead class used their growth mindsets to write super phrases and sentences this week.
Thursday 9th May
In our mastering number sessions at the beginning of our maths lessons we have been practicing doubles. Each day the children have got better and better identifying doubles and using their fingers to show doubles. We had lots of fun in one of mastering number sessions this week when the children worked in pairs and took turns to roll the dice. The children were trying to roll a double (e.g. double 3 or double 6 etc) and had to explain to their partners if it was a double or if it wasn't a double. The children were able to subitise and explain whether they had a double or not! The children really enjoyed the activity.
Friday 3rd May
This week all our English lessons have been based around the story “Super-tato” by Sue Hendra, the children are absolutely loving the story! On Wednesday, we learned a shorter version of Super-tato using our story map and adding actions too. The children were AMAZING at retelling the story of Super-tato, Mrs Richter and myself were so impressed.
Friday 26th April
This morning the children completed two rotation jobs, both about life cycles. The children learned about the life cycle of a frog with Mrs Richter and completed some wonderful life cycle lily pads. The children also loved looking at the tadpoles we had in school.
With Miss Kenyon, the children learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. We watched a great video of the cycle, read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, looked at some real caterpillars and completed some beautiful butterfly artwork.
We had a super morning and the children were fascinated by the work we did on life cycles. Take a look at the great video that shows the life cycle of the butterfly!
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Friday 19th April
As part of our Friday morning rotation, the children spent one of the sessions with myself learning about Mary Anning. The children listened incredibly carefully as I read some facts about Mary Anning and the fossils she discovered in Lyme Regis.
After hearing about Mary Anning and her discoveries, the children had some fun making their own "fossils" using playdough, plastic dinosaurs and shells. The children made some wonderful looking fossils and loved seeing the impressions they could make using the dinosaurs and shells.
Once we had had lots of fun making fossils, we gathered back together to complete a short quiz on Mary Anning. Amazingly, all four key worker groups got all the questions correct about Mary Anning! I was EXTREMELY impressed! 
Well done to all the children in Reception class, you are all superstars!