Emmaville Primary School

Southern Europe Year 3

Welcome to the Southern Europe Year 3 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 12th July 2024
Enrichment Week - Olympic Values
Phew! What a jam-packed week we have had! We have had a fantastic time throughout our Olympic Enrichment Week, trying out a whole host of new sports that we have never tried before! On Monday, we started our week with a workshop learning all about the history of the Olympics. Did you know they started in 776BC in Greece? On Tuesday, we challenged ourselves with an Olympics A-Z challenge after looking at the opening ceremonies from Tokyo 2020, Rio 2016 and London 2012. We are all so excited to see what Paris do this year! 
On Thursday, we had very sports-filled day where we took part in a Skateboard AND a handball workshop! We had so much fun taking part in the skateboarding workshop, where we learnt how to "drop in" on a skateboard. We also learnt how to tic-tac, hammer and do a round-the world! In the handball workshop, we worked in teams of three where we tried to set the world record for the amount of passes we could make without dropping the ball. 
It was lovely on Tuesday to hear all about the children's sports and how they show Olympic values. It was fantastic to hear how much the children love sports like dancing, gymnastics, football, basketball, cricket, rounders and even ice skating! As always, I am completely amazed by the children's ability and willingness to be brave and present in front of an audience. 
Have a restful weekend! 
Friday 28th June 2024 
Northumberland Zoo
On Wednesday, our Year 3 classes went on a trip to Northumberland Zoo and we had the most amazing time! We saw lots of fascinating animals such as snow leopards, skinks, tapirs and wildcats. We spoke to lots of different keepers who work at the zoo who told us a little bit more about each of the animals. We were all very brave in our minibeasts workshop, where we were able to feel shells, touch a cockroach, and look at different animal skulls! We were also very excited to watch a birds of prey display, where we learnt a little bit more about a barn owl, a common kestrel and a huge eagle owl. A highlight for a lot of us was the wallaby walkway, where we were able to walk inside the wallaby enclosure and see them up close.
Friday 21st June 2024 
What an amazing assembly! Well done to all of the children for their performance. I'm sure you were able to see all the hard work and effort they have put in. Thank you to everyone who came and we hope you enjoyed the show as much as we have enjoyed putting it on for you! 
Have a wonderful weekend! 
Friday 14th June 2024 
This week in handwriting we were able to really see the improvement we have made over the course of Year 3. We practice our handwriting often and sometimes it is difficult to see the little changes that are happening every day. So, we went all the way back in our handwriting books and looked to see what our handwriting was like way back in September and compared to what our handwriting is like now. 
The improvement that some of our children have made over the course of this year is incredible! Some of our children have even earned their pen license! 
Friday 7th June 2024 
Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely half-term holiday. 
In Art this week, we began our topic on Scandinavian Folk Art. We started by looking at different examples of what Scandinavian Art looks like and describing what we liked about it. What we noticed is that the art is full of nature, such as plants, flowers and animals. We already know a little bit about Scandinavia due to our History topic on the Vikings, as this is where the Vikings originally lived! 
Friday 17th May 2024 
We had a great time on Thursday when we were able to make our tarts to celebrate the Euros starting in a couple of weeks.  We had to work hard so that we were able to follow a recipe, and work as a team to decide who was going to do each job. The tarts we made were delicious and included broken biscuits, cream cheese, white chocolate and decorative fruit. 
Friday 10th May 2024
We had a fantastic morning in Southern Europe where we took part in a class debate. We were debating whether school uniform should be banned. The children planned their argument in Thursday's English lesson and we thought deeply about what Oracy skills we needed to use in a debate. We used an opinion continuum to assess whether our opinion had changed after hearing the different arguments. It was lovely to see that lots of people had changed their minds at the end of the debate. The children used amazing speaking and listening skills and were very respectful. It was lovely to allow the children to take the lead and respectfully debate between themselves, using questioning to get more information from their peers. 
The children really enjoyed the debate and it was great to see them having fun! 
Friday 3rd May 2024 
We had a brilliant day yesterday in DT learning how to safely cut up fruit for a tart we are going to be making in the next couple of weeks. We thought about food safety and how important it is to stay hygienic when preparing food. We all washed our hands, then had the opportunity to cut up and try strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. While some of us were cutting the rest of us made some fantastic food safety and food hygiene posters to remind us of key tips when preparing food. 
Friday 26th April 2024 
In History this week we were introduced to the Iron Age and had a fantastic time listening to Iron Age diaries where we were able to see how people from the Iron Age lived. We learnt all about blacksmiths and how they made the tools and weapons. We made some brilliant connections to our learning in other subjects, such as Science, when we found out how the iron ore gets drawn out of the rocks by melting the rocks at an extreme heat. Towards the end of the lesson, the children loved designing their own Iron Age shields. We thought carefully about what the shields represented and what patterns and designs would appear. 
Friday 19th April 2024 
Welcome Back! 
I hope you all had a fantastic Easter holiday! 
We have had a very productive start to the Summer term in Southern Europe. In Maths, we have learnt all about column subtraction and became experts at using some tricky language. It has been fabulous to see the children show such resilience when the work has been tough, but they've shown brilliant team work.