Emmaville Primary School

Northern Ireland Year 2

Welcome to the Northern Ireland Year 2 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Week beginning 8th July 2024
What a brilliant Enrichment Week we have had exploring the Olympic Games. We have enjoyed so many activities from geography, art, researching about Muhammed Ali and much more.  I think our main highlights were our workshops where we learnt some Gaelic football and skateboarding.  We had so much fun!
Thank you to the PE team for organising such a fab week!
Have a lovely weekend everyone - enjoy the football if you are watching and fingers crossed that 'It's Coming Home!' Come on England!
Week beginning 1st July 2024
To finish off our RE work for this year, we enjoyed a trip to Newcastle Central Mosque on Monday.  The children loved exploring the Mosque, finding out more information about the religion of Islam and learning about the Pillars of Islam, specifically Hajj.  The children were superstars - they showed great enthusiasm and were able to remember lots of information which we have been learning in class.  Brother Khadim was very impressed with their knowledge and commented on what brilliant representatives of our school they were.  Well done Year 2!
Week beginning 24th June 2024
For the past term we have been looking at the work of the poets Paul Cookson and Joseph Cohelo.  On Friday, we got to perform one of our favourite poems in assembly.  We hope you enjoy our performance of 'Let no one steal your dreams' by Paul Cookson.
Week beginning 17th June 2024
We had a brilliant afternoon for our sports day on Monday.  The children demonstrated great perseverance and determination as well as wonderful sportsmanship throughout the afternoon.  We took part in a number of events, such as, the sprint, middle distance run, howler throw, long jump and obstacle course.  Thank you so much to you all for coming out to support your fantastic children - we hope you enjoyed your afternoon!
Week beginning 10th June 2024
Another week over - and what a fun week it has been.  We particularly enjoyed our Science lesson this week.  For the past couple of weeks we have been looking at everything a plant needs to grow - we then planted our own sunflower seeds to take home.  I'm sure we will do a fantastic job of looking after them now that we know exactly what they need.  Next week we will be conducting our own plant based experiment which I'm sure the children are going to love!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Week beginning 3rd June 2024
Welcome back everyone - it is lovely to have you all back in school and raring to go.  This week we thoroughly enjoyed our geography lesson.  We learnt all about the city of New York and looked at landmarks, foods that are eaten here, activities you may take part in and then had an explore of New York using Google Earth.  We then compared New York to other places we have studied in geography this year by looking at similarities and differences.  Finally, we imagined we were in New York and wrote our own postcards about what we enjoyed about 'The Big Apple'.  The children had some amazing ideas but I think the topic most of us enjoyed writing about was the food in New York - mainly cheesecake and hot dogs!
Super work this week everyone!
Week beginning 20th May 2024
Wow! Another half term over already.  It's hard to believe that we are already at the final half term of the school year - time really does fly when you're having fun.  This week has been another very productive week in year 2; we have worked hard on our throwing and jumping skills in athletics, explored positional language in maths and practised our Oracy speeches for the next Oracy competition.  A big 'well done' to you all for all of your super work again this half term - you really are superstars!
Have a lovely restful half term and we'll see you back at school on the 3rd of June.
Week beginning 13th May 2024
It is so hard to believe that we are fast approaching our final half term of the school year!  We have had another excellent week of learning in Northern Ireland class.  This week I would really like to celebrate our fabulous music work.  For this half term our focus was environmental sounds including vocal and body sounds.  The children took inspiration from various environmental sounds and created their own performance piece in a small group.  Some groups represented different weathers, some different settings and others different modes of transport.  The children all worked well in their team and were super creative.  At the end of the lesson we each performed for one another which was so much fun!  A big well done to all you musical stars!
Week beginning 6th May 2024
On Tuesday we had a visit from the brilliant author Adam Bushnell.  We were inspired by some amazing Frozen Planet clips, a selection of interesting props, a walk outside in the cool air and an image of an Arctic witch to create our own Arctic witch characters. We created our own storyboard using our senses to imagine what we could hear, see, feel, smell and taste in the Polar Regions.  We then spent time writing our very own Arctic witch stories.  It was such a great morning - we were so enthusiastic about our work and the staff were very proud of us!  Well done Team Northern Ireland!


Week beginning 29th April 2024
The children in Northern Ireland class continue to be amazing - working so hard across all subjects.  This week we have enjoyed learning all about food chains in science, looking at Antarctica in geography and exploring fractions in maths.  We also enjoyed a visit to Crawcrook library on Thursday.  It was our first visit since the library has been refurbished and we were all very excited to see it.  Kyle read us a story, we enjoyed a game of Mr and Little Miss guess who, then explored the brand new books.  We were all very impressed with the new library and wide selection of brand new books which are available.  As always, the children behaved impeccably and were a pleasure to take out.
Enjoy your long weekend everyone - we have another very busy week next week with a very exciting Tuesday planned! 
Week beginning 22nd April 2024
We have had a great week in Northern Ireland class and have been working super hard! This week we started our new RE unit.  The religion we are exploring this half term is Islam and the theme we are looking at is 'Community and Belonging'. We discussed how we can make people feel that they belong, explored different times and places when we may feel a sense of belonging.  Then we talked about where we feel we belong and drew a picture to show this.  Lovely, thoughtful work everyone - well done!
Week beginning 15th April 2024
A big welcome back to you all for our final term of the school year.  We have had a great first week back with a visit from the Gateshead Music Service providing us with another brilliant music workshop, our rap performance as part of the Gateshead Sports Partnership Award and some fab art work inspired by Andy Warhol.
This week I wanted to share some of our super English work.  This week we were introduced to our new focus text - The Paper Bag Princess.  The children have worked hard to learn the story through drama, story props and puppets.  We then worked hard to describe the main characters from the story, using apostrophes to show possession when writing a description of the characters. 
A fab start to our new term everyone - have a lovely weekend ready for lots more fun and learning next week.