Emmaville Primary School

North America Year 6

Welcome to the North America Year 6 Class Page.  Here, you can find out about everything that we've been doing this term.
Friday 28th June 
After a fantastic week exploring the capital city last week (please check out the residentials section of the website to read more about this), the children returned to school with the outlook they’ve shown all year; they’re truly a joy to spend time with. 

As ever, we’ve been busy and have been working on a variety of different projects, all whilst practising for our end of year production, which is going to be absolutely brilliant! We particularly enjoyed our history session this week, which focused on the Ancient Greeks. We had loaned an artefact box from the Discovery Museum which was full of objects which told us more about times in Ancient Greece. The children worked together to choose an artefact, research key information about it, and prepare a short presentation for the rest of the class. We all learnt a lot, and it’s always a great way to learn more about a subject area.
We also enjoyed a really peaceful morning taking part in “Emmaville in Bloom” which Miss Kenyon had organised for the whole school, to show progression in painting skills from Early Years through to Year 6. We were given a selection of dog roses, and after some time practising techniques in their sketch books, the children produced some art to be incredibly proud of. 

Friday 14th June 2024


We’ve had a lovely week in North America as the children have been more than a little excited: looking forward to next week’s London residential and practising their parts in the ‘End of the Show Show’.


One of the highlights of the week was the visit from our friends from ‘Open the Book’.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the session (photos below) and spent time to reflect on many things including moving on.  We thought about the love and support that the people from Open the Book have given to the children since they were in Reception Class and the children thanked them for all that they have done for them over the years.


We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend.

Friday 7th May 2024

On Friday this week, we had a visit from Tom from the North East Ambulance Service.  Tom took us through the vitally important steps of CPR and told us why the skills of performing CPR are so vital.

We learnt that CPR should be used when you see someone who is unresponsive and is not breathing or only gasping. Tom explained that having more bystanders trained in this simple skill can help save lives by putting more cardiac arrest victims within a few steps of lifesaving assistance.  We learnt that every minute CPR is performed can make a difference to the patient's survival.

We were so impressed with the maturity of the children whilst learning the skill and their insightful questions to Tom.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Friday 17th May

On Friday, the children in Year 6 went for a well-deserved treat day to Tynemouth following the completion of their SATS. Despite the weather not looking so promising on the drive to the beach, the sun peeked its head out just in time for us to enjoy a fun-packed day together. The children spent some time playing on the beach, doing all of the much-loved seaside activities including playing cricket, kicking a football, and of course, digging enormous holes to bury each other in. This was then followed by surfing lessons with Longsands Surf School, which the children absolutely embraced. It was brilliant to see every child give this a good go, despite the temperature of the water, and there were plenty of laughs and giggles had by all!

We received a lovely email from the company following the trip, complimenting the children on their attitude:


Just a follow-up email to say that the kids who came surfing on Friday from your school, Emmaville, were a credit to your school. over 60 kids and they were all friendly and chatty, asking good questions and so happy to be on the beach. Well done Emmaville. 

We know this to be true, but it is always great to have this acknowledged externally.


Friday 10th May
Next week is the start of our KS2 SATS. I just want to take this opportunity to congratulate the children on their work ethic, determination and attitude in the build up to the assessments. As ever, they have done us proud, and we know that they will give it their all next week. 
Friday 3rd May
Friday 26th April
In our English lessons this week, we have been focusing on dialogue and how it can be used to advance the action in a story. We started by watching a short animation, which has no words, and imagined what the characters might be saying to each other at different points. 
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We then had a go at writing the narrative to go with these scenes. Here are is just one of the amazing examples the children came up with. Brilliant work this week Year 6!

Rock, Paper, Scissors

By Ellie

A long time ago, in a faraway land, lived Rock. On the outside, he was hard and unbreakable but on the inside, he was lonely and depressed. He lived all alone on the top of a bleak and miserable mountain.

Every day, he would peer over the side and focus on the breath-taking view below; there was a vibrant forest. He longed to be chasing the animals, napping in the sun and climbing the sturdy trees.

The forest was without a dark spot: colourful flowers grew as far as the eye could see. There seemed to be more each day and the grass looked soft and warm. A figure pranced out of the forest and into the clearing. A fairy. She was the most beautiful thing that Rock had ever seen, her sunset coloured hair danced in the light and her eyes were like the darkest night. She went from flower to flower, helping them grow. Her name was Paper.

Unknown to Paper, Scissors was a little way behind her, cutting everything in his path. Rock worried that if scissors got the chance, the Paper goddess was going to be cut as well. He knew he had to do something.

Suddenly, the cliff that Rock was perching on crumbled. He slid down the ode of the mountain, landing right in front of Paper.

“Are you okay?” Paper asked. She spoke on a soft tone; it seemed to almost put him in a trance.

Rock shook himself off, and then, he responded sharply. “You need to come with me, NOW!”

Paper started at him.

“Scissors is coming and we’re not safe here.”

Paper was clearly confused. “Are you okay?” she asked again. Rock was getting even more distressed. Scissors would get his chance if he didn’t move her away, and quickly.

Rock grabbed Paper by the arm and a sharp pain seared up his hand. He let go, noticing his hand had started to crumble. He stared at Paper, astonished that something so beautiful could cause something so awful.

Friday 19th April
It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school after what sounds like a brilliant Easter holidays all round; it sounds like a well deserved, enjoyable break after a busy term in school. 
However, once back in school, the children have been straight back to it, working incredibly hard as we prepare for our end of year SATS, as well as engaging in all of the other learning opportunities. We have started new units in PE, looking at yoga and cricket. In science, we have started to learn all about how the human body works, and this week in particular, looking at the function of the heart. We learnt some really fascinating facts, including by adulthood, we each have 60,000 miles of blood vessels inside our bodies – that's more than twice the distance around the world!
We also really enjoyed the music workshop provided by the Gateshead music team on Wednesday, which focused all on rhythm; many of us even had the chance to have a go at playing an instrument. 
Well done on a fabulous week back North America!